

A vocation...

  • It is not the way of conformists or of those who are satisfied with the way of the world; but the way of rebels and revolted ones who aspire to make it better.

  • It is not the way of those who haggle and measure their obligations toward God and their neighbor; but the way of those who freely follow Jesus Christ.

  • It is not the way of the selfish that take care of themselves; but the way of the generous who think of the poor on the earth.

  • It is not the way of those who want to please God; but the way of those who respond with joy to the proposal God makes to them.

  • It is not the way of those who are disillusioned, bored or sad; but it is the way of those who feel the fire of the Gospel.

  • It is not the way of those who trust in their own strength; but the way of those who abandon themselves and who count constantly on God.



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