

Yes, God is talking to you today. He is asking you this question today and He is telling you that He counts on you. So many have answered His call and now it is up to you.

A person came from the city to a place where a Father of the desert of the 5th century was living a very austere life. This person asked him: what should I do to live happy and be saved?” The old monk while continuing to weave his matt with palm leaves, raised his eyes toward his questioner, smiled and answered: “what you see.”

It is important to:

  • Do well what is entrusted to us,

  • Enjoy the present moment, no matter how insignificant,

  • Know how to live the here and now with enthusiasm,

  • Think that only the present moment exist.

Flaubert affirmed: “…the future tortures us and the past obliges us. This is why the present escapes us.”

The past and the future can be important but they are nothing in comparison to the harsh, demanding and transcendent present consciously lived, and, if possible with joy and satisfaction.

Goethe said: “…each moment is unique.” And many things depend on the present moment. 

(José Maria Alimbau Argila)



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